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KWR Watercycle Research Institute
Groningenhaven 7, 3430 BB Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 30 6069.552
Email: Pieter.Stuyfzand@kwrwater.nl
Research interests
Selected Publications
- Antoniou, E.A., B.M. van Breukelen, B. Putters & P.J. Stuyfzand. Hydrogeochemical patterns, processes and mass transfers during aquifer storage & recovery (ASR) in an anoxic sandy aquifer. Applied Geochemistry 27, p.2435-2452.
- Karlsen, R.H., F.J.C. Smits, P.J. Stuyfzand, T.N.Olsthoorn, B.M. van Breukelen 2012. A post audit and inverse modeling in reactive transport: 50 years of artificial recharge in the Amsterdam water supply dunes. J. Hydrol 454-455, p.7-25.
- Mendizabal, I., P.J. Stuyfzand & P.K. Baggelaar 2012. Hydrochemical trends for public supply well fields in The Netherlands (1898-2008), natural backgrounds and upscaling to groundwater bodies. J. Hydrol. 450-451, p.279-292.
- Mendizabal, I., P.J. Stuyfzand & A. Wiersma 2011. Hydrochemical system analysis of public supply well fields, to reveal water-quality patterns and define groundwater bodies:The Netherlands. Hydrogeology Journal 19, 83-100.
- Bonte, M., P.J. Stuyfzand, A. Hulsmann, P. Van Beelen 2011. Underground thermal energy storage: environmental risks and policy developments in the Netherlands and EU. Ecology & Society 16(1): paper 22.
- Mendizabal, I. & P.J. Stuyfzand 2011. Quantifying the vulnerability of well fields towards anthropogenic pollution: The Netherlands as an example. J. Hydrology 398, 260-276.
- Wallis, I., H. Prommer, C.T. Simmons, V. Post & P.J. Stuyfzand 2010. Evaluation of conceptual and numerical models for arsenic mobilization and attenuation during managed aquifer recharge. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2010, 44, 5035-5041.
- Eschauzier, C., J. Haftka, P.J. Stuyfzand and P. de Voogt 2010. Perfluorinated compounds in infiltrated river Rhine water and infiltrated rain water in coastal dunes. ES&T 44(19), 7450-7455.
- De Louw P.G.B., G.H.P. Oude Essink, P.J. Stuyfzand, S.E.A.T.M. van der Zee 2010. Upward groundwater flow in boils as the dominant mechanism of salinization in deep polders, The Netherlands. J. Hydrology 394 (2010) 494-506.
- Van Beek, C.G.E.M., A.H. de Zwart, M. Balemans, J.W. Kooiman, C. van Rosmalen, H. Timmer, J. Vandersluys & P.J. Stuyfzand 2010. Concentration and size distribution of particles in abstracted groundwater. Water Research 44, 868-878.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. & K.J. Raat 2010. Benefits and hurdles of using brackish groundwater as a drinking water source in the Netherlands. Hydrogeol. J. 18, 117-130.
- Van Beek, C.G.E.M., R.J.M. Breedveld, M. Juhász-Holterman, A. Oosterhof & P.J. Stuyfzand 2009. Cause and prevention of well bore clogging by particles. Hydrogeol J. 17, 1877-1886.
- Mendizabal, I. & P.J. Stuyfzand 2009. Guidelines for interpreting hydrochemical patterns in data from public supply well fields and their value for natural background groundwater quality determination. J Hydrol. 379 (2009), 151-163.
- Van Beek, C.G.E.M., R.J.M. Breedveld, & P.J. Stuyfzand 2009. Prevention of two types of well clogging. JAWWA 101(4), 125-134.
- Prommer, H., J. Greskowiak & P.J. Stuyfzand 2008. Simulating transient redox zonation and its impact on the fate of micropollutants during managed aquifer recharge. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72(12), A764-A764, Supplement 1.
- Foppen, J.W.A., M. van Herwerden, M. Kebtie, A. Noman, J.F. Schijven, P.J. Stuyfzand & S. Uhlenbrook 2008. Transport of Escherichia Coli and solutes during waste water infiltration in an urban alluvial aquifer. J. Contam. Hydrol. 95 (2008) 1-16.
- Prommer, H. & P.J. Stuyfzand 2005. Identification of temperature-dependent water quality changes during a deep well injection experiment in a pyritic aquifer. Environ. Sci. & Technol. 39, 2200-2209.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. & J. Kappelhof. 2005. Floating, high-capacity desalting islands on renewable multi-energy supply. Desalination 177 (2005), 259-266.
- Van der Velde, R.T., P. Hiemstra, E.C.M. Ruijgrok, P.J. Stuyfzand, J.W. Kooiman & G. Mesman 2005. The benefits of air pollution control to water supply in the Netherlands. Water Environment 21, December, 48-50.
- Saaltink, M.W., C. Ayora, P.J. Stuyfzand & H. Timmer 2003. Analysis of a deep well recharge experiment by calibrating a reactive transport model with field data. J. Contaminant Hydrol 65, 1-18.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 1999. Patterns in groundwater chemistry reflecting groundwater flow. Hydrogeol. J. 7, Theme issue 'Groundwater as a geologic agent', J. Tóth (ed), Hydrogeology J. (7), 15-27.
- Grootjans, A.P., W.H.O.Ernst & P.J. Stuyfzand 1998. European dune slack ecosystems: wetlands with many endangered species and strong interactions of biology, pedogenesis and hydrology. TREE 13, 96-100.
- Van der Jagt, H. & P.J. Stuyfzand 1996. Methods for trace element analysis in surface water, atomic spectrometry in particular. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 354, 32-40.
- Grootjans, A.P., F.P. Sival & P.J. Stuyfzand 1996. Hydro-geochemical analysis of a degraded dune slack. Vegetatio 126, 27-38.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 1995. The impact of land reclamation on groundwater quality and future drinking water supply in The Netherlands. Water Sci & Technol. 31 (1995), 47-57.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 1993. Hydrochemistry and hydrology of the coastal dune area of the Western Netherlands. Ph.D Thesis Vrije Univ. Amsterdam, published by KIWA, ISBN 90-74741-01-0, 366 p.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 1990. Hydrochemical facies analysis of coastal dunes and adjacent low lands : The Netherlands as an example. In "Dunes, European coasts", T.W.M. Bakker, P.D. Jungerius & J.A. Klijn (eds), Catena Supplement 18, 121-132.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 1989b. Hydrology and water quality aspects of Rhine bank ground water in The Netherlands. J. Hydrol. 106, 341-363.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 1989a. An accurate, relatively simple calculation of the saturation index of calcite for fresh to salt water. J. Hydrol. 105, 95-107.
- Stuyfzand, P.J. 1987. Influences of filtration and storage of groundwater samples on sample composition. Trends in Anal. Chem. (TrAC), 6, 50-54.